Posting it a tad late but I wanted the readers to think objectively rather than emotionally. India is on a threshold: nope, not a technological threshold nor any ideological threshold. For the first time in its history (if we are to believe the mainstream media), a duly elected government has grown a pair and is going to "relocate" people who have no right to be in the country, in the first place! Bangladeshis, Rohingyas and others who walked around with aplomb, are now hiding from the government agencies. The same government agencies that, till 4 years ago, gave them new identities and let them loot the Indian exchequer. Today, hopefully the Indian people have realized the extent to which a political party or parties will go to protect their vote banks Look, it's not easy to get them out of the country, what with the Sibals and the other lawyers standing in the way. That being said, these non-Indian "citizens" will have a chance to either repatriate or to ...