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Showing posts from December, 2018

Can God Save India?

My wife’s relative was complaining about the cost of vegetables and gas. Nothing new there since the man is always complaining about something or the other! I asked him how much he took home in salary in a year. After a lot of hesitation, he answered. I asked him if this number included his part-time job as an architect. He hummed and hawwed and replied No. Whether the number he gave me was the actual number or not is up for debate. I then asked him how much he spent, on an average, in a month on groceries, gas and utilities. He thought for a bit and told me. I then did some quick mental math and found he was spending approximately 30% of his salary. I then asked him what his architectural consultancy gave him. He replied with a number. He was making the same amount! That means he was spending about 15% of his gross pay on his needs! The remaining was his to do what he wanted. I told him this and he said he was able to save ONLY Rs 10,000 a month! I then asked him what he did with his...