So, let me get this straight. A guy walks into a bank and asks for a loan (sounds like the start of a joke, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it isn't). The banker sits him down and goes thro’ the requirements for the loan. The guy agrees to furnish all documents needed at which point, the banker does the first of many checks – Credit worthiness (Is the person able to repay the amount and, if not, does he have enough collateral to cover the loan). Once these checks have been passed, the bank issues a check to cover the loan. It is expected that the person will make payments every month to cover the principle and the (outrageous?) interest. This is what happens to you and I, the common people. We then make these payments for the next 10-20 years and get to own whatever it is we needed the loan for. We sweat blood every day in order to keep our end of the bargain, except... ...