On the eve of the Karnataka elections, it is necessary that we introspect on what has been achieved and what needs to be achieved. In addition, we need to do an autopsy to see where things went wrong with our choices. What has been achieved is an easy answer to some and not so easy to others. Do we have the basic fundamentals guaranteed to us by our democratic constitution? Do we need to modify the existing constitution to adhere to modern times? The existing government has not done a very good job of ensuring equality among all people. Reservations and breaking a community does not count as equality; it does, however, show the limits to which they will go in order to win an election. Rahul baba and his trusted lieutenants have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure a Hindu community is broken down into a multitude of factions. When he's with Brahmins, he is a Janevdhari Brahmin; he's a hindu when it matters and a muslim with the muslim comm...