On the eve of the Karnataka elections, it is necessary that we introspect on what has been achieved and what needs to be achieved. In addition, we need to do an autopsy to see where things went wrong with our choices. What has been achieved is an easy answer to some and not so easy to others. Do we have the basic fundamentals guaranteed to us by our democratic constitution? Do we need to modify the existing constitution to adhere to modern times?
The existing government has not done a very good job of ensuring equality among all people. Reservations and breaking a community does not count as equality; it does, however, show the limits to which they will go in order to win an election. Rahul baba and his trusted lieutenants have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure a Hindu community is broken down into a multitude of factions. When he's with Brahmins, he is a Janevdhari Brahmin; he's a hindu when it matters and a muslim with the muslim community. Let's not even go to the Christian side as his mother is a practicing Christian. The current chief minister came to office with very high expectations from people; he has, however, shown little, if any, inclination to do anything other than what is good for his party. The corruption that exists in Karnataka probably doesn't exist anywhere else. People have to pay for everything. At some point people will get disenchanted and look elsewhere.
That time has come now.
Unfortunately, caste based politics is nothing new to the state. Even today, when we need sane thinking people, we have Gowdas voting ONLY for Gowdas (regardless of achievements), Lingayats voting ONLY for Lingayats (again with utter disregard for achievements) and the list goes on. Does this really show a mature democracy? People fail to understand that one person getting elected to an office from one's community doesn't ensure the community's development. Add to this the very biased media that projects their choice(s) as THE ONLY choice and you have a veritable conundrum of assumed political ideology! Ok, to dumb it down, we don’t know who to vote for because too many people are telling us too many things!
Tomorrow is a day that could spell the future of this wonderful state. On the one hand, we have development and futuristic thinking, on the other hand we have a regressive thought process that could hinder the people. Remember, development is all-inclusive and doesn’t know caste and creed, while regressive behavior impedes growth only because it is NOT all-inclusive but for a select few.
Make the choice that you think is right. The future is in YOUR hands.
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