When Priyanka Chopra uttered those infamous lines in her TV show, “this is a rudraksh..they are Hindu nationalists”, that one statement was enough to equate nationalists to terror! The influence the media has on on people is absolute! All of a sudden, people like Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad and others became antisocial elements who wanted the downfall of a legitimate government! When does one say “enough bullshit”? Since when did Nationalism became a negative to be abhorred? While we appreciate the media for its positive unifying reporting (9/11 comes to mind), we also have to fault them for many an incident that should never have been reported erroneously (Godhra comes to mind). To single one community for being fervent patriots is ridiculous but it happened! To then blame the Hindus for being the reason for all ills while the peaceful community is being targeted by the Hindus shows the levels to which the media will stoop to get ratings. Ms Chopra may, or may not, be an acti...