A very profound statement made by my son had me thinking. He said “I don’t mind coming to India for two weeks but can’t see myself settling down here.” No, it’s not a rehash of what I had written a year ago (or close) although it does seem like it. The trip to Delhi was half business and half pleasure(or so we thought). While the hotel itself was beyond compare, the weather was not doing us any favors. The minimum temperature that we had during the day was on the day we left (105F). How does one cope with this intense heat, without going crazy? I had to constantly soak my head in cold water just so I could avoid fainting.! My wife was in the same boat! My son, however, didn’t sweat as much, but it was clear he was uncomfortable. If one thought Delhi was hell, well nope! Agra was pure hell with the temperatures hovering around a 110F and no signs of rain! One could be forgiven for thinking it was just another day when seeing the locals going about their business without ...