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It’s That Time Again

Five years ago, a non descript but charismatic gentleman took charge of a country that was staggering from all the scams. You name it, they had faced it! Came to a point where the country was known, the world over, for political corruption. Enter Narendra Modi.

A charismatic leader with his ordinary upbringing, he was what the dynasty was not! He had come with some baggage, some would claim.  After all, they said, he was responsible for the Godhra carnage (he was acquitted of any wrong doing by the courts) forgetting that they were responsible for the ’84 carnage of the Sikhs.  The media, which had been, till then, provided with special privileges, quickly played this song. For 50 years, or so, the relationships that the media had built up with the party in power had just been made ineffective! Political parties cried about the effect this new government would have on the “progress” the country had seen over the past few decades. India would be set back a few centuries, they claimed. They shouted till their collective voice would go hoarse, that the country was seeing no development forgetting, once again, it takes more than just 3 years to set right a wrong that was perpetrated on the people for over 5 decades. People had, however, seen thro’ this.  A new day had begun. Most of the country heaved a sigh of relief and were excited about the new possibilities. However, there were many states that were ruled by the previous regime. In the next 3 years, that number would dwindle to around five.

Globally, this change was seen with apprehension. In the next five years, this charismatic leader would change this perception and make a name for himself, as a global icon, as well as the county. Where India was once a silent partner in many global ventures, it now had become a leader to be reckoned with.

How does a person garner the kind of adoration and love that Mr Modi gets! While the political opposition is working day and night to discredit him, NaMo(an acronym given to him by his adoring followers) gets his strength from the millions of followers that campaign for him! Yes, you read it correctly! No bigwigs from the BJP can match the enthusiasm that is being shown by people like Sambit Patra, Chakravarty Sulibele and a veritable army of others. No they’re not paid to do this and have jobs but take time out of their busy schedules to campaign hard for the person they rever! And why not? He has taken India to heights that Indians could never imagine previously. 

Contrary to what is said, he’s not divisive nor has he ever taken a communal stance. Yes, the opposition does claim he is anti Muslim and anti Christian but these are just claims; none of these claims have been validated. From an economic perspective, he’s taken the country from the 10th most economically powerful to a 5th, beating the likes of France and England. Countries are lining up to do business with India! Given this, it would be a travesty for the country to change political direction and go where they once were.


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